Hope You Stay Well

Clay sculpture, 
Studio practice- 2021

Waking up from a dream, where her tooth has fallen; she couldn't remember what happened next, and “where did the tooth fall?”. She recalled what her mother used to tell her “A dream is of a mystical world, one that sends signals to those who are most pure and connected.”

She still doesn’t understand what pure really means but the idea of being connected still seems nice to her.

She reached out to a book, ‘the dreams' dictionary’ the one her mother used to search in every morning until she became an expert interpreter of dreams her self.

The book says that the fall of a tooth on the ground is a sign of an expected loss/predicament, something might happen to one of the dreamer's family members. However, if the tooth falls in the hand of the dreamer then it would be a sign of a prosperous life for the dreamer’s family.

Hunted by that dream, she decided to create by hand a set of teeth. Attempting to complete the missing part of it. While holding a tooth in her hands, a warm feeling inside her emerges. “I hope my amulet finds you well” she says.